The easiest way to sell life insurance!

       1985-2025, Our 40th Year!

This website is for licensed insurance agents and their support staff - Not for dissemination to the public.

This website is for licensed insurance agents and their support staff - Not for dissemination to the public.

Quick links to:

TXM eQuote Services

Live Online AGL Quote

If you're comfortable with AGL product knowledge. Applications and riders are not included.

Whole Life eQuote

Includes application forms. Quote usually arrives within 20 minutes of request.

Term Life eQuote

Includes application forms. Quote usually arrives within 10 minutes of request.

life Insurance helps youR Customers keep their financial promises.

As an independent brokerage general agency, we can work with up to 24 companies to get you competitive & reasonable life insurance rates. From a $60,000,000 Key Person & Ownership Succession case, to a $10,000 final needs policy, to a custom package that fits your client's needs, we are here to serve you!

Our exclusive eQuote life insurance quotation and application service is for today's busy Agent. We combine high-tech with high-touch. Currently it is being used by hundreds of agencies and financial institutions to offer term and permanent life insurance. Get a quote today and see how easily you can sell more!

We've been going The eXtra Mile to help agents reach their life insurance sales goals since 1985. Our purpose is to provide personal and professional service to assist the Agents and Agencies we serve to be leading providers of quality life insurance at competitive prices in their own communities.

txm Equotes

